Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Friday, June 18, 2010

Lady GaGod

The dress texture is a real Lady Gaga dress. The lighting bolt under the right eye is originally associated with David Bowie but Lady Gaga co-opted it for the "Just Dance" video. I also couldn't resist associating God with the lightning bolt, which we've seen him use already.

Monday, June 14, 2010


The host has discovered that he can manipulate God's avatar. It's operating principle lets the beholder call the shots. This gives the host a power over God he is quick to exploit. God's temper is showing as he verbally rebuffs the host. A showdown is looming.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This strip explores the nature of God's avatar. The way it operates allows the perceiver to call the shots. God appearing as gopher was originally conceived for a retelling of the flood story. God would go back and shepard each animal to the Ark. The storyline was scrapped because it deviated too far from the strip's format.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Illusionism is a metaphysical theory that there is no such thing as free will but that we should not let people know that this is the case. Illusionists argue that there would be dire consequences for society if people were come to think that free will does not exist, but in some cases these illusions may affect the normal functioning of a man's life. Illusions make a man a "pure thinker", which not only affects his life, but he himself forgets about his creation.

Illusionism suggests that blame and morality are artificial but nonetheless useful as incentives and deterrents. Even though men cannot be held culpable, they can nonetheless be guided towards certain conduct and away from others. For instance, police can effectively deter crimes by threatening to punish people who commit them. In fact, the law can serve three purposes without implicating moral concerns: rehabilitation, incapacitation and deterrence. Illusionism has much in common with utilitarianism, as it suggests that morality and the concept of 'free will' are useful to improve the general welfare of man--even if somewhat disingenuous.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

God Vibrations