Monday, September 7, 2009

Perspectives on the Meaning of Life: Hedonism

The meaning of life constitutes a philosophical question concerning the purpose and significance of human existence. It has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific, and theological speculation throughout history. Even phrasing the question is as difficult as attempting to answer it. For the sake of simplificaiton, however the question will be expressed as "why are we here?" and in light of that, how we should live our lives.

Hedonism is a school of philosophy which argues that pleasure has an ultimate importance and is the most important pursuit of humanity. The basic idea behind hedonistic thought is that pleasure is the only thing that is good for a person. This is often used as a justification for evaluating actions in terms of how much pleasure and how little pain (i.e. suffering) they produce. In very simple terms, a hedonist strives to maximize this net pleasure (pleasure minus pain).

Hedonism emphasizes pursuit of earthly pleasures by eating, drinking, merryment, etc. Hedonism is frequently a selfish philosophy because it only accounts for the individual's pleasure. Hedonism repudiates the idea that there are any higher values than immeadiate pleasures and suggests that man's only purpose on earth is to entertain the faculties that nature has given him. Despite its apparent shallowness, hedonism is an incredibly enduring ethical system.


  1. You are definitely a hedonist!

  2. Pleasure and pain are two beasts of the same head, wherever one goes the other follows. Therefore, our pursuit of pleasure should be tempered, for if we take on too much pleasure, we can expect pain. We should learn to love--and not second guess--the pain just as the pleasure. Amor Fati!
