Friday, November 13, 2009

Die Hard Riddles

The following riddles all come from the classic 90's action flick, Die Hard with a Vengeance. If you can solve them all, congratulations, you're well equipped to defend New York from terrorists.

The Problem: What has four legs and is always ready to travel?

The Answer: An elephant, because it always has its trunk.

The Problem: As I was going to St Ives, I met a man with seven wives. Every wife had seven sacks, every sack had seven cats, every cat had seven kittens. Kittens, cats, sacks, wives--how many were going to St Ives?

The Answer: Just one, you! The man and his wives and cats are not going to St. Ives, just you are.

The Problem: You are in front of a fountain. You have an empty 5 gallon and 3 gallon jug of water. You must measure out exactly 4 gallons of water. You cannot eyeball at all, it must be exactly 4 gallons.

The Answer: There are two solutions to the water jug riddle.
1. Fill the 5 gallon jug and the pour the water into the 3 gallon jug. This leaves two gallons in the big jug.
2. Empty the 3 gallon jug and pour in the two gallons from the 5 gallon jug, leaving space for one gallon in the small jug.
3. Refill the 5 gallon jug and pour water from it into the 3 gallon jug until the small jug's full. That leaves exactly four gallons in the big jug!

The second method is:
1. Fill the 3 gallon jug and pour the water into the 5 gallon jug.
2. Refill the 3 gallon jug, and pour into the 5 gallon jug until the big jug is full, leaving one gallon in the small jug.
3. Empty the big jug, and transfer the one gallon from the small jug to the big jug.
4. Refill the small jug and pour all three gallons into the 5 gallon jug, resulting in four gallons in the big jug.


  1. problem 1 is elphant, prolbem two is 1,

  2. The Font is in white people. highlight the empty area

  3. last problem
    get 2 5 gallon jugs then take away 2 3 gallon jugs

  4. Fill the 3gl pour into the 5gl fill the 3gl again pour it into the 5gl until its full now you have a full 5gl and 1gl in the 3gl empty the 5gl and pour 1gl into the 5gl and fill and pour the 3gl into the 5gl now you have exactly 4gl

  5. When I was in Vietnam, 1971, in Cam Ranh Bay, I invested sometime along the shoreline of the Southern Chinese suppliers Sea. I met old man, one evening; I was but twenty-three decades of age he was in a close by town that the Southern Vietnamese and Northern Vietcong used, the Southern by day, and the Northern by night. I had consumed in the town before, even though it was off boundaries due to the fact of this, and if I'd get too intoxicated, I'd remain the night, and in the days I'd leap over the barrier, and run returning to my organization. crossword puzzle help
